Growin' Owen

Sharing our wonderful son with friends and family, far and near...

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Owen's first day at daycare...

Owen had his first day at daycare on Jan. 20th. He did great - mom, not so much! It was hard to leave him with someone else, but we are very lucky to have found the perfect daycare situation. He goes to an in-home provider who is only five blocks from our house. This will be great in the summer when we can pick him up with the stroller and have a nice walk home! His provider only has four kids *two one year olds and a five month old. Owen makes the fourth child. She is a very sweet woman (I knew this when I found out she adopted her pets from the Humane Society!) who is great with the children. She has three kids herself,and they are wonderful! We feel very fortunate, as GOOD infant daycare is hardto come by here in Minneapolis.

JJ and I have worked our schedules so that he gets Owen ready for daycare in the morning, drops him off around 8:00 and then catches the bus at 8:20. I go into work at 7:00, get done at 3:30 and pick Owen up at 4:00. Working for the state and having a great boss who let's me set my own schedule is a wonderful help in getting adjusted to working life with a baby.

Owen is getting more and more fun every day. He is incredibly vocal, full of
laughs and giggles and we are pretty sure he will be rolling over soon!


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