Owen's birth
Here is a photo of Owen when he was just born.
For those who don't know, Owen's birth went wonderfully! Danette had been put on bed rest for swelling and high blood pressure on Monday, Oct. 26th. She was supposed to have another doctor's appt that Thursday, but instead her water broke and she and JJ headed to the hosptial. Once there, she was informed that she wasn't really dilating or in labor, so she and JJ walked the halls of the hospital (they even went to Subway) trying to get things started. Nothing much happened until about 11:00 that night when the contractions started to get pretty intense. JJ was a wonderful labor partner and with his help, and the help of our wonderful midwife, 23 hour laters, on Friday morning at 7:10 Owen arrived.

Was the hospital in a strip mall, hence the Subway? Fairview Har Mar perhaps?
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