Owen is three months old!
Owen turned three months on Saturday, January 29th. What a difference three months makes. He has discoverd his tounge and his hands and really enjoys sucking on both. He is also really starting to enjoy some of his toys, especially his activity gym and bouncie seat, although his favorite pasttime seems to be looking at himself in the mirror. An activity that will most likley be just as fascinatig when he becomes a teenager.
While he still hasn't entirely moved out of his 0-3 month clothes, many of his favorite items are getting a bit tight in the tummy and short in the legs. Mom has been going through his newborn stuff, packing it away and getting his 3-6 month clothes ready.
He is doing great at daycare, which makes mom and dad sigh in relief. He has no problem moving between bottle and breast, and is even getting some formula to supplement when mom is not around.
Sleep is still an issue, but getting better. Michele, his daycare provider can't believe he can be so happy on such little nap-time but mom and dad know better. There's just too much fun stuff in the world and Owen doesn't want to miss a minute of it.