Growin' Owen

Sharing our wonderful son with friends and family, far and near...

Friday, April 29, 2005

A note to Owen from Daddy

Dear Owen, a.k.a., Little Sharky,

Between you and me, I must admit that I readily shrugged off most all the caveats/pearls-of-wisdom that others had to offer – you know, the ones upon which your mom has elucidated above. Perhaps it was just sheer naiveté or simply my ever-gruff exterior, but I had myself convinced that – being the old fart that I am – I’d already mellowed sufficiently to be largely prepared for all the changes, challenges and uncertainty that you’d bring to our lives. Roll with the changes, old man.

Indeed – and as duly promised – everything came as a torrent, but despite any and all obstacles I still managed enough “cool” to handle it all with a healthy dose of equanimity.

What I was not prepared for – and what has continued to floor me to this very day – was the way that I would fall helplessly, head-over-heels in love from the very moment I laid eyes upon you. Of all the joys I have ever experienced in life, I can say with utter certainty that nothing has ever made me more happy – or more sure of my purpose – than the simple acts of feeding you, clothing you, bathing you and, of course, making you screech with delight by blowing raspberries on your belly. There is no greater joy in the world than to care for you, and no better music in the world than the sound of your laughter.

For all my smarty-pants know-how, I simply had no idea. So … thanks, little man, from the bottom of my heart.


At 9:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our favorite story as grandparents is when our son had his first child and he said to us, Mom and Dad, did you love me this much?
Now fast forward to when Owen has his first child and he will understand your tremendous love for him. God bless you...


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