Growin' Owen

Sharing our wonderful son with friends and family, far and near...

Friday, April 29, 2005

A Study in Exersaucing

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Owen gives the thumbs up!

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Danette's Reflections of Six Months with Owen

“Enjoy every day – time goes so fast”
“Having a baby changes everything”
“Taking care of a baby comes naturally”
“It’s really hard, but it’s really amazing”

When you are going to have your first baby people say these things to you all the time. You know they are true. You can intellectually understand them, but it isn’t until that tiny little person slips from the darkness into the big, beautiful world that you realize, in your heart, how true they are.

These past six months have been quite a ride. First, never in my life have I had to learn so much so quickly. Loving Owen? No problem. Understanding Owen? Now that’s a different story. I have taken a bit of flack for all the baby-care research I have done and all the books I have read, but I must say that without that knowledge these past six months would have been a mystery to me. Of course, reading about a baby can only take you so far – you have to learn about your baby and Owen has certainly taught me some lessons:

First, the term “sleep like a baby” clearly means fighting sleep every step of the way, waking up often, and being strangely soothed by a running electric toothbrush.

Second, whoever invented the baby swing is a genius and a lifesaver.

Third, you should spend a little time each day looking at yourself in the mirror. It can make you smile and even help you fall asleep.

Fourth, your hands and feet really are quite fascinating.

Finally, there is nothing more wonderful than watching a big smile cross your son’s face when he hears his daddy’s voice.

Happy half birthday Owen! You are loved beyond compare.

A note to Owen from Daddy

Dear Owen, a.k.a., Little Sharky,

Between you and me, I must admit that I readily shrugged off most all the caveats/pearls-of-wisdom that others had to offer – you know, the ones upon which your mom has elucidated above. Perhaps it was just sheer naiveté or simply my ever-gruff exterior, but I had myself convinced that – being the old fart that I am – I’d already mellowed sufficiently to be largely prepared for all the changes, challenges and uncertainty that you’d bring to our lives. Roll with the changes, old man.

Indeed – and as duly promised – everything came as a torrent, but despite any and all obstacles I still managed enough “cool” to handle it all with a healthy dose of equanimity.

What I was not prepared for – and what has continued to floor me to this very day – was the way that I would fall helplessly, head-over-heels in love from the very moment I laid eyes upon you. Of all the joys I have ever experienced in life, I can say with utter certainty that nothing has ever made me more happy – or more sure of my purpose – than the simple acts of feeding you, clothing you, bathing you and, of course, making you screech with delight by blowing raspberries on your belly. There is no greater joy in the world than to care for you, and no better music in the world than the sound of your laughter.

For all my smarty-pants know-how, I simply had no idea. So … thanks, little man, from the bottom of my heart.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Splish, Splash

Owen and Dad having a great time in the pool. Owen loved it!
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Getting ready to swim!

Owen had his first dip in the pool while in New Mexico. Here he is with grandma, right before swimming, dressed as a duck.

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Car Rides are fun...for a while

Poor Owen. He spent a lot of time in his car seat while we were on vacation. He did a great job but toward the end of the trip he wasn't always this happy.

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At this point, we were oblivious to the fact that we didn't have the proper ID to bring Owen back into the United States. Little did we know that the Homeland Security Boarder Patrol Officer would be so cranky...

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Meeting Grandma Benson for the first time!

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Big Tough Grandpa, Pushin' a Stroller...

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On our Way to Silver City, New Mexico

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