Growin' Owen

Sharing our wonderful son with friends and family, far and near...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Grandpa and Owen at the Village of Yesteryear

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If I could turn back time...

The stagecoach at the Village of Yesteryear
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Owen and Daddy Chillin' in the Pool

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Super Fly

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Owen and Vivian

Owen was a bit crabby this night but I really love this photo!

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I am bald and beautiful

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Video of Owen

For some reason, Owen thought that it was the funniest thing ever when I would drop his rattle on the ground.

Enjoy this short, but very sweet video:

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Another milestone...

Owen has his first ear infection. Perhaps this explains the crabbiness and the rubbing of the ear with a block? I think so.

He's not happy and I don't blame him. Fortunately, he loves the pink medicine and should be feeling better in no time.

Wish him a speedy recovery!