Great Aunt Jan Lives too Far Away!

Sharing our wonderful son with friends and family, far and near...
On Friday, Owen went to the doctor for his 4 month check-up. He didn't cry when we stripped and weighed him (14lbs!), when we measured him from tip to toe (24.75 inches)or when we measured his big ol' noggin (16.75 inches). He did a great job until he was given four shots - two in each thigh. Poor baby.No one likes shot, let alone four at once. He was pretty upset for a while, but slept on the car ride home and then slept again as we drove to Sauk Rapids to hang out in a hotel while daddy played in the '80s band that night.
Here is Owen in one of his cloth diapers. We are trying to be as environmentally conscious as possible, so Owen is in cloth 90% of the time. We do use disposables (no bleach or chlorine) when we go out, and at night. So far, we have found that cloth is not a big deal at all! It's pretty easy, much cheaper, and some of the diapers (like the zebra one in the picture) are really cute.
Cloth diapers have come a long way since rubber pants and pins!