Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Best Halloween Ever
I don't think it will come as much surprise, given my genetic pre-disposition to all things Halloween, that I consider a Halloween with good weather to be one of life's best delights. We were really lucky to have such a night this year! Grandma and Grandpa came up to join us in the fun. It seems EVERYONE was out, houses were totally decorated, people were handing out full-sized candy bars - I think a lot of people were excited about the election, the weather and the fact that Halloween was a Friday night! Woot - it was great. Anyhow, we hope you enjoyed your holiday!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cotton Candy - Fuzz you can Eat!
These were Owen's words as he ate cotton candy for the first time at the Steele County Free Fair. A pretty apt description, I would say.
Owen had a great time. So great, in fact, that his "fingers were dancing." He's a fan of rides, polka music, and all the animals in the barns. On the way home, we did one last ride - the ponies, which apparently made Owen sleepy. Every time his pony came around we yelled and clapped, trying to keep him from falling asleep and off!

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Gull Lake, Tenstrike, MN 2008
Hello again - Mom, dad, Darcie, JJ, Owen and I went on a family vacation to Birch Haven resort outside of Bemidiji this past week. Much fun and fishing was had by all. Owen caught his first fish, mom went on her first kayak ride, Darcie and JJ almost finished the world's hardest puzzle and dad cleaned fish like a pro.